Partner IKA has represented DOMUS at the Colloquium Beijing event in China, which took place on 14 – 16 November 2019.
The event
With excellent presentations and speakers as well as over 400 participants this event has become a great success. Rounded by a technical exhibition and a jolly banquet, the colloquium will continue the tradition as a leading platform for all automotive and engine experts. Besides the official part, the Aachen Colloquium especially offers the opportunity for communication and discussion with other international experts of the automotive sector.
IKA’s role
IKA was a co-organisator of the Colloquium and in the DOMUS-context leading the discussion on the topics of comfort models, thermodynamics, user studies and implicated meaning of our research for the automotive industry. The cultural differences between “western” and “eastern” presenters and attendees lead to a number of interesting discussions on applicability and generality of the European research results. The cultural background has not been included in thermal models, when referring to eastern and western culture. Due to the project partners of DOMUS, the focus is so far on testing in Germany (ika), Italy (CRF), Belgium (TME), Austria (ViF) and England (COV). A need for a more diverse sample was identified, so that the results from DOMUS can be extended even further, because the word “comfort” might have different implications in the discussed areas.
Additionally the question was asked, if the direction of the applied radiation had an effect on the overall results. This is a specific thermal question, that was not assessed yet, but our results could lead to giving broad direction towards an answer and it might be possible to assess this even within the DOMUS-project.
A different discussion after the presentation lead to the topic of long-term effects. Summing up all experiments conducted in DOMUS, there were no long-term effect identified within the project. The technical solutions developed within the consortium are in some cases rated to be stable over a long period of time (e.g. weight reduction in the seats or better insulation) and in other cases not fully clear (e.g. lighting, scent and thermal radiation, which was the key of our presentation). Another take-away message is therefore, that the short-term results, we identified and published in Beijing should be researched in the long-term after the DOMUS demonstrator is constructed.
The publication by IKA was leading towards a wider understanding of the topic through the international discussion with experts and stakeholders. Additionally some discussion points could lead to new insights regarding the presented topic within DOMUS.
IKA has represented DOMUS by holding a presentation, submitting a paper, and discussing the paper’s topic with international researchers, OEMs, Suppliers and research institutes. Fabian Prinz from IKA has presented studies from IKA as well as partner TME.
Please click here and here for visual aspects/pictures taken during the event (if available).