One goal of the EU-granted H2020 project DOMUS is to determine the user´s perception and requirements of comfort and cabin energy requirements in efficient electric vehicles. In its role as a project partner, the Institute of Automotive Engineering (ika) – amongst others – contributes with its expertise on user centric testing, which will be a core aspect when it comes to modelling thermal perception.
In the DOMUS project ika took the task to defining relevant experimental use cases, which will feed into an overarching framework for project inherent user-studies on thermal perception. Ika started out with an initial online-survey on gathering relevant experimental use cases and a subsequent workshop on organising the different dimensions of experimental use cases, held in Brussels.
The participants of the recent workshop, held on 25th April 2018 in Aachen, did further process these results and finally worked out one comprehensive experimental use case. This specific experimental use case will serve as a framework for further user-studies on comfort and cabin energy requirements in the DOMUS project. The partners involved rated the workshop to be a major step in the right direction. The committed results of this workshop can therefore provide guidance for a comparable testing-design for the different experimental and controlled factors.