IDIADA represented DOMUS at the RTR19 (4-5 December 2019)

On 4th and 5th December 2019, DOMUS was invited to participate in the 3rd European Conference on Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 projects organized by EGVIA, ERTRAC and the European Commission. The main objective of the event was to get a glimpse of the latest achievements of EU-funded projects in the area. With more than 400 registered participants it was a unique opportunity for dissemination and Networking.

The event counted with 15 parallel sessions of the event and DOMUS participated in the one titled Green Vehicles: Reducing the CO2 emissions from road transport and improving the user experience.  Two other EU H2020 projects were as well present, OPTEMUS and QUIET, both aiming to increase the EV battery range and deliver promising demonstrators. Ines Muñoz from IDIADA represented the Consortium and gave a 10 minutes presentation in which the main objectives, work plan, results and next steps of the project were explained to the audience. There was also a Q & A time that lead to a discussion about the energy savings of each additional components in the cabin, the possibilities that the virtual assessment could give to EV cabin designs and the feasibility of scaling an Holistic Comfort Modeling to series production cars.